Junior Water Sports and Tennis Program
ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED: Registrations for Swimming, Sailing and Tennis will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for members children and grandchildren is expected prior to May 20, 2024. Beginning May 20, members may register children they plan to sponsor and Wait List families may register their children. All participants must be registered by May 31, 2024. There will be a wait list for full classes. NOTE: After May 31, classes will be filled according to the date of application, with no regard to whether the participant is a member, sponsored or on the Club’s Wait List.
SPECIAL NOTE FOR SAILING: Enrollment for sponsored children may be limited during the busier weeks of the season, specifically weeks 5, 6 & 7.
AGE & ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: For Sailing, participants may register for Little Dinghy beginning at age six. Participants must be at least eight years of age for all other Sailing classes. For Tennis, participants may register for Quickstart at age five and older. Each child’s ability level in a particular program will be reviewed by the program directors based on past experience and/or early assessment to ensure enrollment and participation at the appropriate level.
SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS: The four day schedule (Tuesdays through Fridays) has been designed to accommodate children who participate in one, two, or three sports; however, if adjustments need to be made to the schedules, please contact Tracey Gallagher, General Manager Please do not make arrangements or changes with the instructors.
Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or babysitter while participating in lessons and other activities (lunch, swimming, beach time, etc.). If the participating child is sponsored by a member grandparent, the grandparent may serve as the guardian.
Only member and member’s partner’s children over the age of 12 can be on the grounds without supervision.
Members can only use babysitters to supervise their children. Babysitters must be at least 16 years of age. A supervising sibling, acting as a babysitter, must also be 16 or older and cannot participate in any Junior Program activities at the same time. Members should arrange lunch for babysitters.
One parent of a sponsored child and/or the Sponsoring Member of a child of any age must be present to supervise the sponsored child.
Children whose parents are on the Wait List may participate in the Junior Program. One parent must be present to supervise the child regardless of age.
Sponsored and Wait List families may set up an “X” account for food purchases. Please see Tracey Gallagher, Assistant Manager, to set up such account.
Junior Night is open to all children participating in the Junior Program. It is held each Thursday evening beginning June 30 and ending August 19.
Junior Night begins with dinner at 6:00pm and ends promptly at 8:00pm. Parents must pick up their children on the waterfront.
Children under the age of six must be accompanied by a babysitter (age 16+) or parent/grandparent while eating dinner and participating in Junior Night activities.
While parents may drop off their children (ages 6+) at Junior Night, pick up is 8:00 sharp.
Please sign up for Junior Night on Tuesday of each week and no later than end of day Wednesday.
Please remind your children or sponsored children to clean up after themselves. This includes cleaning up any food and dishes and putting used towels in the laundry bin (located in the Junior Club Room). Only one towel per person!
Participants should utilize the cubbies in the Junior Club Room for their belongings. Belongings should not be left on the bench in the Club Room and should not be left on the dock or sailing area. Please help keep the Club Room, dock and beach areas clean and tidy.
REMINDER: Children are their parents’ responsibility. No children under the age of 12 can be on Club grounds without a parent, babysitter (members’ children only) or designated member to supervise them. This includes the time they are participating in lessons.